Monday, May 21, 2007

Images, and First Impressions, Or, "...and bitches love it!"

The following are just my thoughts.
Dating has always been a silly word to me. I've never really done it, and I really can't say it appeals to me at all. In the conventional sense, all it really amounts to is something like a college visit for a high school student. When you see them for the first few times, you're just meeting their idealist representative whose only job is to sell you on potential. The school you're visiting could turn out to be the best school in the world, and the person you're dating could turn out to be everything they're projecting themselves to be; their idea of your dream-come-true in a person. But odds are they won't, not if reality has anything to say about it.
Ask a person you know to describe what their "type" is, and listen carefully to the answer. Then afterwards, ask yourself this question: In their answer, was there anything at all unpredictable about their response, or anything that can't be assessed with a simple, superficial, glossing-over of the person in question?
If the answer is yes, take comfort in knowing that you have a friend capable of functional thought, because everybody's answer should contain some element specifically tailored to their desires that is otherwise unusual, and can't be readily assessed by exchanging glances and awkward, pre-fabricated conversation over a poorly cooked meal (a date.)
If the answer is no, which it invariably will be, know that there are millions of dating people who are aware of these cookie-cutter images people have of their own ideal sexual counterpart. People who are willing to go to great lengths of imbecilic expenditure, and general duncery to engage in debaucherous romps with their fellow humans. It is in this mold that these folks cut themselves. Not because projecting an image that achieves this end has anything to do with the actual personality from which it emerges. In fact the only thing it tells you for sure is that this person is so focused on this one idea that they're willing to suppress all other elements of their personality just to show the world that they fit with the rest. If this is a trait that one finds desirable, have at it, and good luck with that is all I have to say.
The event that brought this concept to mind took place at a very close friends home the other day while we were outside having a few beers, relaxing, and talking. One of the individuals who we were hanging with was asked about a tattoo that he had on his arm, and began to show it. "It's a picture of St. Michael." He says. And on the other side of his arm, he had the full prayer inscribed against his bicep.
That's nice, almost pious I thought. It's a relief to see some sort of dedication to a belief in something, so profound as to etch it on one's body.
"Yea, and bitches love it!" He retorts.
People will sell you anything if you're willing to buy it. My advice to everyone who shops in these stores is, hold on to that receipt.

Friday, May 04, 2007

...but I do eat fish sometimes.

Maybe I'm just crazy, or arrogant, or something in between, but much of life has just completely ceased to make sense to me.
This is an admittedly small and irrelevant piece of the pie, but it's very demonstrative to me of exactly what I mean when I speak a line that some of those close to me may have heard me utter once or twice, 'Nothing makes sense anymore.'
I just don't understand the whole vegetarian/soybean/"I only eat fish" culture. First of all, absent some physiological allergy to meat products (which I've never heard of), why would a person subject oneself to this type of nonsense? Meat is great. You ever had a really great piece of steak? If you can't appreciate that, don't even talk to me, it's like not liking sex, what is wrong with your brain? Okay, fine, you might want to abstain from sex until you get married, or you might be scared of the clap, or whatever, but you know you like sex, it's simply what makes us human. A good piece of meat is the same way.
If we were meant to eat only vegetables, we'd only have broad, flat teeth like cattle, or any other grazing animal that makes it's living off green stuff. But it wasn't enough for you peculiar folk to just eat vegetables all the time, no no, you had to make a point of letting all the regular folks know about it, as if we're the abnormal ones. You gotta have all the 'Whole Foods' %100 recycled paper grocery bags folded up in a nice, neat, highly visible stack in the corner of your kitchen. But you people know all of your shit is bullshit, it's evident in your own products.
Just the other day, I heard this young lady tell me her dinner plans for the evening as we were leaving a study session. She says to me, "I'm going home to finish cooking my dinner." Naturally I replied "What are you having tonight?" To which she replied "Soy-sausage, yum..." My brain actually vomitted down my throat a little bit. "Soy-sausage?" I replied after my involuntary burst of laughter subsided. That, right there, is how you can tell something is nonsense. When it just doesn't even sound right.
First, have you ever tasted a soy product that didn't end in the word sauce? Yea, correct, gross is the word you were looking for. Second, if this shit was really worth anything, they wouldn't have to make it masquerade as a great-tasting MEAT-product for it to sell. I mean, I've never gone to a nice restaurant, taken a look at the menu and seen a filet mignon dressed up like a bushel of alfalfa. You know why? Cause filet mignon is great, it doesn't have to dress up as shit, cause you want it, and it knows that. If soy was good, they wouldn't have to make it seem like something else. Soy ice-cream, vegetarian burgers? Soy-milk!? Soy can't have milk, because milk by definition comes from breasts. Mammary glands, hence the word mammals. Animals make milk, not plants. Grow up, all of you, or just leave, please. It's better for us all. And when the fuck did fish stop counting as meat? Do fish have roots and leaves and photosynthesis that I missed in all of my high school biology classes? How does this make sense to anyone?