Sunday, June 24, 2007

Please, Somebody Help Me! Tell Me It's Going to be Alright... Lip GLoss?!??

What would you do if you were just walking along one day, minding your own business on your way to pick up some food and beer for your own survival purposes, and your sojourn was suddenly interrupted by a passerby. You may not mind someone stopping your in the midst of your business to ask you for directions, or if you could tell them what time it is, but your reaction may differ if someone just stopped you and accosted you with absolute nonsense conversation. Say this person stopped you with an inquiry such as this, "Isn't my lip gloss cool?"
What do you do? If someone seriously thinks that this topic is something that interests you enough to spend time entertaining their half-witted banter, what is your response to them. Something tells me that it wouldn't be to join them in rendering a song and dance about how cool their lip gloss actually is. So if this is the case then why in the FUCK, (and pardon my profanity but that's what how I feel), why in the FUCK would you ever let somebody tell you that SHIT on the radio over, and over, and over again. Does it become catchy, is it less stupid the 43rd time you've heard it? No? Then why the fuck are you listening to it, and why is nobody else kicking up a fuss about this shit. I refuse to believe that I'm really the only one here who is going crazy. And you can't even turn it off anymore, shit is on the radio, it's on the internet, it's all over the TV, I can't even stroll down the street without hearing that or some other nonsense music and just wanting to go somewhere where this shit doesn't exist.