Friday, February 24, 2006

Things I Hate...Followed in some cases by my advice to the perpetrators

(in no particular order)
I'm angry
Ugly people serving my food...highly unappetizing*
People who think they are too good to drink or smoke
Pop sucks
People who engage other people in conversations when they know neither has anything to say to the other*
Hollywood because all they do is give out awards*
Fat chicks in short and/or tight realistic
Couples not involving myself
Adults who watch American Idol
The fact that people like keanu reeves and antonio banderas get overpaid to suck at what they do
People who describe their occupation as "hustla"*
People who ride New York like it's the center of the universe...shut the fuck up*
People who think wearing expensive crap clothing makes them the window and jump
Philly homeless people that try to give the unrequested parallel parking assist..fuck off
Dudes that are taller than me
Downloadable ringtones
Brian Billick's coaching*
Dudes that are shorter than me that act tough...good luck with that
Girls with no standards who bang cornball dudes for no good reason messing up the whole system for the girls who still have some integrity left.
My bizarro hairline
Whoever's job it is to keep looking for more places to hide cheese on pizzas
These are just some of my thoughts on things that piss me off, and is not intended to offend anyone, except where noted with an asterisk. More to come...

1 comment:

singleton. said...

thanks mike brown