Saturday, March 24, 2007

Whatever happened to fresh air?

Everyone loves to feel like they're on the inside. Even when they have never even opened their shades to see what's lies outside their window.

A while ago I overheard a cell-phone conversation of a guy who was a few years below me in high school. He was most upset at the friend of his on the other end of the line. The subject of his ire was this. "Who let that dude into Play-on Playa Facebook group!?"

Yes, you did read that correctly. Why? Why must my precious, albeit frequently squandered time be burdened with such nonsensical verbal junk-mail? Simply because I go outside?

Is this what people are afraid to open a window and see. It should be, but it's not. I know this because I see the people behind this engaged in myriad other examples of childish prattle at all hours of the day for equally unreasonable reasons. These are the same people that want to claim 'Cool' by reinforcing their sense of in-group with their cro-magnon cohort that hypes up each other's absurd notions.

This kind of shit can't be going on outside my window all the time. There are still people who think, yet for some reason it has become cool not to. Beyond that, it has even become cool to chide the thinkers for their work. I suppose it always has been like this to an extent. But that doesn't make it a good idea.

I'm not saying I think I'm better than all of these people, but I'm trying my hardest to weather this putrid, storming confederacy of duncehood*, and I could use some help cause it's a mighty strong stench. Everyone please remember to open your windows now and again, there might be fresh air outside.

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