Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Phenomenon of the Law School Level Jumpers

All I want to know is, who teaches these people how to interact with other human beings?

I will put forth just a few of the brief episodes I have witnessed in this, the first month back to school. The following are all limited to perpetrators who have been known for less than a month by the offended (being either myself, or a young lady friend of mine who supplies more material than I would ever want to encounter first hand.)
Episode 1
I was in the hall one day, walking around trying to arouse the attention of no one, when all of a sudden from down the hall someone shouts,
"Yo, M. Breezy, what up!"
M. Breezy? I pause in my mind and wonder for a moment. Surely this person can't be trying to address me, and better yet who the hell is this person, for no one that I am actually friends with who would have my permission to address me by nicknames would actually behave in such an unnecessary manner. Sure enough, I turn around and it's one of theses new kids who's name I couldn't possibly expect to recall, trying way too hard to make a friendly impression. Many may think I'm being far too angry with such a response, but I just find it irritating. Stick to the script, you want to talk to someone, talk to them, there's no need to try to spice up everything. Is it fair to just assume someone is a nickname person who likes having people yell for them down hallways? Maybe I was creeping around quietly because I was trying to avoid someone, you never know. Now, my attempt is blown to smithereens, and I have another person to avoid in the hallways.

Episode 2
I witnessed first hand, the unilateral institution of a kiss-hello program between a close friend of mine, and a gentleman newcomer with whom she had been acquainted for all but 3 weeks. Wow, ballsy indeed. And ridiculous. Now I realize that this is quite normal in some cultures, fine. The east coast of these here United States is not one of those cultures. Who in the world could have possibly let this young fellow slide along the pathway of life for upwards of 2 decades without letting him know that this is not acceptable behavior? I find this particularly scary because it leads me to believe that it had to be reinforced somewhere along the line. Such behavior is not something that spontaneously arises in one's mid to late twenties. Therefore, in previous episodes of his life, situations were such that girls he had known for equal or perhaps even less time responded tastefully to this institution. This is gross. You can't just walk around putting your lips on people. Especially people who have expressed no prior sexual consent to your advances. This is not Europe, people don't just kiss for fun, it's intimately tied to sex over here, and you generally don't do it to people who haven't given you the green light. Unless I'm the one who's crazy, and please feel free to comment. Where do these people come from?

Episode 3
Same perpetrator as Episode 1, same Offendee as Episode 2

Picture this. A young lady, walking through the halls at school on her way to a classroom, when her attention is requested by a young fellow with whom she is only superficially acquainted. He holds out his arm in some sort of primitive, inspective gesture and utters forth, "Let me see." and looks towards her buttocks. As if that's not enough, he continues in the most sneeringly perverse of molester tones, "Mmm, yea, that ass is getting fatter. Must be all that sex I heard you were having this weekend."
Fortunately for my health, this one had to be relayed to me, as I was deprived of the horror of witnessing this tasteless act firsthand. I may have just choked to death on my own disgust if I had. Now, as I did not witness this event, I'm not sure exactly what her reaction to this was, but I imagine it was somewhere between speechlessness and absolute abhorrence, with a twist of putridity expressed in her face making it look kind of like a small child's the first time they mistake a slice of lemon for a piece of real fruit, for anything less would merit a phone call to her parents to tell them they apparently had all of the wrong answers. Speaking of parents with wrong answers, this young fellows parents must have set some kind of record on the SAT for defying even the law of averages and managing to fill in not a single correct dot. How else could even one parent raise a male child to believe that such behavior is at all appropriate or acceptable? Or maybe they did, and the new thing now is to just say fuck all the rules and go apeshit as soon as you get out of earshot of home base, because I just can't see how else this could happen.
What is going on?

1 comment:

girlinpink said...

Yeah for the new blogging :)
who are these people that we go to school with....no wait, don't say
or do, then I can avoid ever having eye contact with them...
just horrible....