Friday, October 26, 2007

Dueling Romeos

A man can under no circumstances, ever get into a physical altercation over a girl. It should never even enter the adult male mind to possibly fight another dude in an attempt to win the affections of a female.
It's ok to fight as a last resort inasmuch as it goes towards the defense of your wife, or maybe even your girlfriend depending on the circumstances, but if she's not your girl, don't be a dumbass.
I thought this went without saying, but once again being in this tiny biologically experimental fish-bowl called law school in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where all sorts of wild varieties of odd-looking flamboyant species go to great lengths to demonstrate their social ineptitude, I find myself disappointed in my fellow human beings.
I was told the other day that this exact scenario actually happened. A fisticuff scuffle between two first-year law students at the local bar. They actually fought over who was gonna get her. I can only imagine what the dialogue was like that fanned the flames that ultimately boiled over into this final act of stupidity. Whatever it was, broken down into its simplest units of idiocy it must have been something like this.

"I want her, she's mine."
"No way, I saw her first."
"Let's fight!"

Now you can use your imagination to envision a geeky-looking fight between two fellas who spend their days on gmail chat while they're in class supposedly learning about proper citation formats and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
This kind of shit just can't be allowed to happen anywhere! Have we learned nothing about life in the 10,000 years of modern man? Are we really still basically cavemen that just happened to figure out how to make pyramids, the steam-engine, television, the internet, and Starbucks?
Don't EVER fight over a girl, it doesn't make sense no matter how drunk you are. There's too many of them, more than enough to go around, and sadly more than enough that will happily do just that.
At the end of the story it seemed to be suggested to me that to my amazement, the female in question has actually selected the "winner" of the "fight" to be her mate-of-the-moment.
I plead to any young women reading this, please don't ever condone this ridiculous behavior. You CAN NOT pick a guy who got into a bar fight over you. It's just retarded, and if you do, know that you are part of the problem. You are taking us all back in time, many millenia to the days when a man could just pick a girl, render her unconscious with the nearest blunt object and drag her back to the bachelor-cave for a little of the old in-out. This was an amoral, lawless society that is best left in our past. Ironically enough, in this case it was perpetrated by two future duly appointed defenders of the law, who just seemed to forget pretty much everything for one night. Let's all try to keep this from happening anymore.

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