Monday, January 26, 2009

Complete Freedom, and the Internet. Too Much.

"Call it a crisis of leadership."
-Prop Joe

I don't think our collective people are grasping the gravity of the situation of our growing wildness and lack of respect and reverence for pretty much everything. A 22 year old girl, woman, whatever you want to call her made national headlines for her apparently successful attempts to auction off her very own virginity to the highest bidder. That high bid has supposedly hit a whopping 3.8 million USD. I don't know anything else about this girl, I'm assuming she has or at least had parents inasmuch as people don't come about through spontaneous creation like Athena springing forth fully formed from Zeus's forehead. Aside from the fact that any parental figure she ever had in her life clearly made a few wrong turns, I think it speaks volumes to the condition we presently find ourselves in as a people that this kind of thing happens, and then becomes news, making her famous. Famous for reducing what was at one point a valuable personal characteristic, perhaps the most valuable of one's youth, to little more than a cash transaction slightly more complicated than selecting a stale donut for purchase out of the big display case in your local Seven Eleven. Slide her some bills, and she will tender her previously unsavaged loins. I realize that such a transaction is hardly original, but to reduce it to the same medium that people use to buy songs on iTunes, order a few Netflix, or stream a little illicit pornography they'd be a little too embarrased to purchase if it involved looking a cashier in the face just makes it that much more caustic of a notion to me.
Another fascinating tidbit of our times was drawn to my attention a few weeks ago. A little google searching revealed information suggesting that this next horrific episode may have orignally been a hoax depending on the level of credibility you lend to wikipedia. However, even if it originally was a hoax, what I know of the modern human mind in this age of the internet leads me to believe that even if it wasn't real before, someone, probably many someones have defnitely imported this horror from the internet into the real world off of nothing more than the strength of it having been embodied in the depths of youtube. If one enters the search term "jenkem", or "butt hash" as it is popularly referred to, they will find what I believe is the absolute worst thing the world has ever known. The singular moment in which the concept first entered someones mind to fashion a drug out of human waste must in my estimation be the moment that God was waiting for before he finally washed his hands of the whole operation, and began to reach for the flusher. I just don't know how much more there is for us to do that hasn't been done, and that could possibly be more terrible than this, and any number of other horrific images and ideas that have passed through my frontal lobe for no other reason than the internet. Whatever they come up with next, I know for sure I don't want to see it. And I certainly don't want it to come off of the computer screen into the real world, my world, or anyone elses. I think we're gonna need a conscious effort to fight off the urge to take advantage of our bountiful, if not excessive freedom to do damn near whatever. Anything else, and we are dancing with some pretty ugly possibilities. I can't imagine what the world is going to look like in the age of my children should I be so fortunate and fertile. But I do know we're gonna need some help to make it that far. A whole lot of it. We need more parents, real parents. We need more guidance, we need more thought, sober thought and that's coming from a 26 year old who drinks scotch like your average grandfather of the Korean War/Vietnam age. We need teachers, educators, people need role models, even the adults. Something isn't working right it seems. I don't know what else to do except try to talk about it in a sensible fashion, because there's no reason that I should be able to buy a virgin online, and no one should have ever even thought about anything called butt hash, much less published a video about it or tried it. We need to start thinking about these things a little more. Maybe we need a little less freedom.

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