Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Name Game Part 2: some other shit that makes me mad

You can't just make up a name and wrap it around some idea, and then push it in my face like it has some kind of credibility just because it can be addressed. If you go to, and scroll down to the headlines by section and look under special coverage, you will see "The First 100 days: Track the issues and policies." What the fuck does that mean? The first hundred days? This dude is the President, and he's black. The first 100 days? Like on day 101, the entire worldwide news media is gonna crawl out of this man's ass and just let him do his job without reporting every statement he makes, every wave, every gesture, it's amazing he finds time to fart without somebody catching it on tape. Now I understand, he's the President, he's gonna get watched, fine. But call it what it is. Reporters and media people, doing their fucking job. Trying to get all fancy and shit. Like people are sitting around the dinner table asking each other, "So have you checked on the first 100 days lately? No? You gotta read the first 100, there's not ever gonna be another first 100 days, and you know the 2nd hundred isn't gonna be nearly as good cause it's almost impossible to make a good sequel these days." These people are too much.

Here's another one that I find hilarious, "The B n' T". New York is notorious for this shit. It's probably the center of the, we-gotta-word-for-it-now, so-it's-cool-and-you-should-use-it, and-if you-don't-know-what-it-means, you're-a-sambo-and-a-coon mentality. The B n' T is the term they use for non-Manhattanites. The people that use the bridges and tunnels to come in for the evening, and use them again to leave after they've emptied their wallets and have nothing to show for it but a debit card statement that reads like a trail bread crumbs of from cabs, to bars, and restaurants all over the city, only the bread is real. Or at least it was, now it is gone. And then that's what they got for me once I go? Looking at the back of my head as I leave, snickering cause I'm a B n' T? I can't do it. That place is crazy, it drives me crazy. It drives everyone crazy eventually I think, the only difference is how fast it happens. Nobody's really from manhattan anyway, but even so. Did you really need another word for tourists?

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