Monday, April 16, 2007

Things Grown Men Just Can't Do (suggestions welcome)

One cannot call himself a grown man if he still hath not mastered the art of urination without dampening the toilet seat...

Under no circumstances may a grown man make a nickname for himself and try to make others use it.

Nor can one call himself a grown man if he uses the phrase, "Getting my grown man on..." - thanks to M. Singleton

A grown man may not boo-hoo at ANY time
especially after getting his ass kicked in an oral argument in his first year of law school

A grown man cannot wear flip-flops outside of the house if he is not at the beach (this includes man-sandals)

Video games are fun, but the successful grown man cannot spend any considerable amount of time playing them...

In fact, it is best for the putative grown man not to invest in any video game systems, for they shall surely lock him into the notorious 2nd childhood...

A grown man may not seek credit for doing things that he is supposed to do as a grown man

A grown man cannot obsess over such nonsense as rims for his car and ringtones for his cell phone...

A grown man cannot address women as "bitches"
Some of them may act bitchy, and some really are bitches but don't over generalize, furthermore some things are just rude and that's one of them

A grown man cannot be involved in the club scene

A grown man cannot overuse the words "dude" or "yo"

There is no reason for a grown man to EVER participate in a dance-off.

The Man-Crush.....enough said

A grown man shall not send another grown man text messages

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