Sunday, November 16, 2008

a tree can only grow where its planted

I spend a lot of time criticizing a lot of things. But that's because many people, especially of my generation are getting more and more ridiculous. There's a young woman I know who was trying to convince me that I had no "swagger" and I should find a way to get some, perhaps by emulating her boyfriend. Now without delving into the fabric of this specimen's character, even if he did have this mystical characteristic that is so popularly referred to by just about everyone who you should never take advice from about anything, I surely would not want it. So I impressed this upon her, at which point she predictably got sensitive about me clowning her dude.
I can't fault her for being corny, and having corny taste in men, for she's from a county in the state of Maryland that is notorious amongst Baltimore natives for breeding what I would like to call Royal Coondom. Royal Coondom is the type of behavior exuded by many of the inhabitants of a princely province near the District of Columbia, that often includes excessive references, both verbal and behavioral, to much of the popular televised nonsense with which we are inundated, mostly at the expense of the perception of young black culture by mainstream America. For example, anyone who has ever done a "shoulder lean" is probably from this area in my experience. They also utter phrases which you might have been able to recognize from songs that you otherwise don't understand, by artists such as Lil' Wayne for example, and many of his followers. (Sidenote: how does any grown man with tattoos on his face have followers, I have no idea, but this is also terrible.) An example of such buffonery would be someone uttering forth, "It ain't trickin' if you got it." And rest assured that they don't have 'it' inasmuch as 'it' is money. If this statement were to more accurately reflect the state of things, they would say, "it ain't trickin' if you borrowed it and are past due on your visa bill but they haven't froze your spending limt yet.' I'm not saying this to criticize this individual's lifestyle, but only to interject some sobering reality into the mix here, because apparently it is lacking. But what I realized as I thought about exactly why this type of behavior is so prevalent and how things got this way is that, a tree can only grow where its planted. I'm not trying to sound overly poetic or be some fake philosopher, but I feel like that is an appropriate analogy. If you grow up around coondom and buffonery, then odds are that's what you're gonna display. Right or wrong, maybe it's not for me to say, but I offer my commentary anyway. Even with this sobering realization about my own criticisms on the behavior of people around me, I still maintain that the shit is ridiculous, and don't ever listen to anybody who tries to explain to you what swagger is.

1 comment:

singleton. said...

pg broads, for the most part, are cold numbskulls. can't fall victim to talking to them.