Monday, March 16, 2009

postscript: a view from the streets

Just in case you couldn't narrow it down to 2 like they tell you on standardized multiple choice tests, they put up this big fucking billboard to let you know that help is here. I know some people have fucked up situations to deal with, but I can't get past the idea that we're all just becoming a little too complacent to reckless behavior when we start advertising partial remedies to people's parental fuck-ups like it's ok to just be out in these streets acting like scumbags. And if you happen to be the dude on the other side of this poster, praying that it was one of the other dudes she was fucking that knocked her up instead of you, learn a lesson, don't be a dickhead. Just cause your parents fucked up, doesn't mean you gotta go and fuck up the next round of kids.

This place should not even have to exist. I understand CPCs as they are called are actually in the business of talking girls out of abortions, but how are they just gonna call it a crisis pregnancy center? The whole notion is depressing and it made my stomach hurt a little bit to think that this is how far we've come as people. This particular venue is in a predominantly Mexican neighborhood on the east side, sandwiched right between the local high school and the main branch of the free library. School, library, crisis pregnancy center. God help us all.

1 comment:

PK said...

Yup. Let's put that on the board under "sad." Man this city/world is getting progressively worse...