Thursday, March 13, 2008

American Journalism

"Because someone is physically beautiful, does that mean they would be a good prostitute?"
- Larry King

I really hate how the news people just pick topics, and then proceed to beat me over the head with them like they are Damon Wayans as Homey The Clown. I am not amused, and I don't play that.

I realize that the idea of a married man patronizing the services of a woman who acts as her own commodity while he's the Governor of New York is one that many find unsavory to say the least, but I think we gotta sober it up a little bit. Sure its news, maybe even big news but that can't be an excuse for us to just listen to anything these people can come up with.

The typically professional news coverage of CNN today was visiting this very topic for only the second or third time since I'd been watching, when Larry King announced an upcoming guest speaker. None other than a close friend of Jessica What's-her-name, or whatever the hooker chick's name is. I guess they figured that having already enlightened me as to the contents of a professional flesh-trader's Myspace page, I could pursue no other course of desire than to seek insight into what goes on behind the scenes of such a prostitution scandal, from a hooker who is acquainted with the hooker they really wanted on Larry King Live tonight.

As I sat listening to this certifiable moron of a prostitute pontificating (never use 'prostitute' and 'pontificate' in the same sentence) about her opinion on the subject of prostitution and the learning curve that such a practice entails, it hit me. I really don't care about anything this girl has to say. In fact, I'm offended that she has been invited to come onto prime-time national television to give her opinion, on anything, and I haven't. Sure that may sound rather arrogant on the surface, and it is, but what kind of message does that send to the world? That a girl who's best answer to the problems posed by life, was to have sex with as many men as it should take to support her extravagant lifestyle captures the attention of the nation, and my day to day travails as a short, black, stocky, aspiring attorney in a middle-of-nowhere shit town like Carlisle, PA can't? Not to bash on prostitutes in particular but really, if we know anything about a woman who is a prostitute it's that she can make bad decisions. What could she possibly have to tell the world that's gonna help anything? "Hey Girls, don't become hookers"? That's what she's got for us? Yea thanks, I think most of them got that memo a little while ago. Bears repeating though I guess.

Wait a minute though, CNN can take you further. Just when I was beginning to think maybe there's something wrong with me for not wanting to hear this shit, Larry hit me with the knockout.

"Let's bring in two more hookers and ask them what they think about prostitution." These two were not even socially related to the main hooker they couldn't get, but nonetheless. American journalism at its mother-fucking finest ladies and gentleman.

I opened my eyes, and before me sat a panel of hookers.

A panel of hookers? Seriously! One wasn't enough, after all this is CNN. A good journalist must always assess the reliability of their sources. And who better to offer critiques on hooker prose than more hookers?


I was really sitting in front of the television being talked at by a round table of prostitutes. What does that say about what these news-people think of me?

I guess it all just goes to show you why it's the oldest profession. Everybody patronizes even Larry King.

“The men who seek out escorts are looking to form a bond with someone, whether it be physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually…whatever it is, being an escort is about bonding with people.” – Natalie, who gave escorting advice to the now notorious “Kristen”.

1 comment:

Ferdinand&Flowers said...

i say if they want someone/thing to bond with, give em a bible or a torrah or a kokran or a guide on buddhism. nothing is more satisfying than bonding with what's all ready in full supply in the world, and that's you and nature. there have been numerous studies that show people who use prostitutes or sex as an outlet or coping mechanism feel emptier as time goes on, and really, who can stand sleeping alone at night in your payed for house in payed for bedroom set and payed for silk sheets after every inch of yourself has been divied out to "john" "baby adam" "bad boy" "daddy" all day? who are these prostitutes kidding and who are we kidding to really believe/listen to their shit about it pays my bills. so does mcdonalds. i bet if we didnt ever put so much power and voice into this type of thing we wouldnt have so many fast ass little girls out there. i bet we'd have more young woman out there winning spelling bees and science fairs and becoming leaders than trying to be the new mrs new booty or perfecting the pop lock and drop.
just like the civil rights act it makes me feel terrible to know that in the world there are and have been numerous woman that fought tooth and nail to have rights and power and choice. to work and provide and learn,but this is what we do with it. we cheapen and devalue it all. instead of working and looking back at all you've accomplished or built we like the instant gratification of 20 min work for $100 (or whatever the going rate is these days)reminds me of dope fiends, the quick fix that last but for so long until you realize you need more money cuz now instead of just a house you got a car or kids to feed or you wanna go on vacation. sigh......